Astrinaar's Recommendations

Here I will list the recommendations I've gotten from previous work places.

Astrid Refstrup, CEO at Triple Topping

Recommendation for Astrid Knappmann.
Astrid worked with us as a QA and Programmer on our game Dead Pets Unleashed from July 2023 until February 2024. Astrid was employed via the flexjob system in Denmark. Astrid was laid off along with several colleagues due to company cutbacks.
During her time with us, Astrid did QA and UI implementation on our game "Dead Pets Unleashed." She mainly worked in Unity.
As a small studio, Triple Topping relies on each team member's attention to detail and their ability to comprehend a variety of skill sets. Given the studio's size, efficiency, and a strong understanding of deadlines are of paramount importance. With our team being distributed, effective online communication through text and video calls is crucial.
Astrid worked from home but quickly became a valuable team member, especially for the other programmers on the team. Her understanding of programming and her ability to communicate well and concisely were perfect for her role as QA on our game. She excels at triggering bugs in the game, identifying them, and documenting them. She is open and easy to work with, and she approaches new tasks and challenges with a positive attitude and curiosity.
It's with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Astrid, and I wholeheartedly endorse her for her next job role.

Source: pdf

Jonathan Jørgensen, programmer at Triple Topping

Astrid Knappmann is talented and professional in her work. She has a very high standard for her work and is a good problem solver. She is also a nice and caring person.
I only got to work with Astrid for about half a year at Triple Topping. But in that time, she really made a meaningful difference to the production of our upcoming game Dead Pets Unleashed.
Astrid started with a few hours a week and worked up to her goal of 16 hours a week. In the beginning she mostly did extensive quality assurance with high quality bug reports and design feedback.
As she started working more hours, she also picked up programming and user interface tasks. The tasks were completed in a very professional manner and with insight into the game, gained from her QA work. She’s very good at picking up tasks and working on her own, while still making it fit with the rest of the game.
I can highly recommend Astrid as a gameplay programmer and quality assurance tester.

Source: Linked In

Spilprisen's Talent of the Year 2021

Astrid should be recognized for her valiant efforts to spare the cats in WHAT THE GOLF? for coming to further harm. Besides being a savior of virtual animals, and the queen of cats, Astrid is also a fantastic and creative gameplay designer with a flair for the awkwardly comedic.
Astrid started as a Tribander fresh out of school and was thrown down in the WHAT THE GOLF? hole from day one, Astrid has since worked her way up from the golf hole. Astrid is a passionate and extraordinarily creative gameplay designer with the design and technical skills to back it up. She’s really good at asking the right questions. She has a special talent for researching, analyzing, and prototyping new and crazy gameplay ideas - something that normally takes years to get good at just comes naturally to Astrid.
Also, she has the best puns. With puns sprinkled on them.

Source: Peter Bruun, CEO at Triband's motivation message to Spilprisen's Talent of the Year 2021. Twitter post